Welcome from Feralpunk

Well, I've been going through all my old tapes and records, and slowly digitizing all the stuff that's either a bootleg of a gig, an old demo or just no longer available. I was occasionally sharing it in other forums and blogs but, largely inspired by the most excellent New Improved Live And Otherwise blog thought I would start my own up as a central place to share by obscurities with the world.
The name of the blog is the name of the metal/punk/industrial night I used to run at the Egypt Cottage in Newcastle, resurrected here for old time's sake.
Feel free to repost anything you find or to ask for a re-up if the link has gone dead.
Also feel free to leave any comments you may have about the music or the blog.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Blackfoot - Knebworth Park 22/6/85 FM

I think this is my favourite set from the Knebworth Fayre '85. Many people were saying that they were well past their best by now but this is a great performance, full of classics. Only downer with this one is that I recorded it on a C-60 (remember those?!) so side one ran out just before the end of Train Train. On the plus side though, there is an interview with Ricky Medlocke tagged on to the end of the set!

1. I Want To Talk To You
2. I'm On The Run
3. Everyman Should Know (Queenie)
4. Dry County
5. Wishing Well
6. Morning Dew
7. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
8. Rattlesnake Rock 'N' Roller
9. Train, Train
10. Highway Song
11. Ricky Medlocke Interview



  1. Thanks for this, never heard this live set before.
    And dont worry about the C-60'running out of tape'(ah those were the days! haha)it adds to the 80's feel!
    I used to 'Tape watch' as it neared the end of each side but more often than not i was caught out and found scrambling franticly to flip over the damn tape an push record as fast as possible!

  2. Here and at G-101 this is dead and I was getting interested in it due to the comments but another time or place or a reup thankx and I must be up there as well cause I knew exactly what a c-60 ending was like and hated the c-120 cause they always ended up as deck spaghetti Maxell c-90 was the way.
